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 "To absent friends, lost loves, old gods, and the season of mists; 
and may each and every one of us always give the devil his due." 
-Neil Gaiman 

Turns out that life, much like every aspect of it, is mysterious, funny and miraculous at times.

Through my journey of being a writer and then an author, I learned more about life than just the art of writing.

I started out as a physicist, and everything about science continues to amaze me even today. But then it was time for me to pursue another dream, one that was laying dormant in my heart for years.

And then, I wrote, and wrote, and wrote...

There were many words, many stories, many essays, and many rejections... And then I realised that maybe it was all a plot twist, leading up to now, to today, when I decided to share the stories that I had been hiding... 

I've always believed that there were many focal points in my life, much drama, many cats, many dogs, many friends, many conversations that led me to this moment, but at the end of the day, I guess it was just a matter of time.

Time is our biggest regret, our most compassionate enemy and a wretched friend, and very often, it's just a matter of time, before we get there...

Along the way, if we get a chance to pet some furry friends, spread some cheer, eat some cake, it's all worth it in the end. And if we're lucky, sometimes, there'll be a cat, or two, or more, lurking around, watching us, guiding us...  

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